Consultation and Quality Control Building Inspections
Having the expertise of Build Assure Consultants is an invaluable asset for builders during construction. It is particularly important for builders with complex jobs or inexperienced or overstretched supervisors needing to keep a finger on the pulse of many projects at one time. Working with Build Assure to inspect construction can reduce the risk of non-compliance, which can be damaging when things slip through. Issues of non-compliance can lead to delays in construction and payments, increased construction costs and reputational damage.
Embarking on timely building inspections can be a highly beneficial process for builders as it reduces issues that can result in costly legal ramifications and remedial work. Getting it right the first time is smart business that allows builders to direct their energy into present and future builds, rather than haunted by past projects. A builder on the front foot of quality control will see their defects list at Practical Completion minimise, client satisfaction grow, and a reputation as an excellent builder flourish.
We can support builders in solving challenging construction details. Builders are often provided plans with insufficient detail and it is up to the builder to work it out. Knowing how to finish off details, in a way that is compliant and does not bring about issues that are costly to rectify down the track, comes with experience and an eye for detail.
Build Assure Inspections can help support the builder in holding subcontractors to an acceptable standard of workmanship. Often the builder is at the mercy of the work quality of their trades, yet the builder holds the responsibility, risk to reputational damage and potential damage to their business. By having Build Assure assess the workmanship of various trades, a builder ensures issues are rectified by their subcontractors early. Sometimes trades can become complacent and knowing that their workmanship will be inspected prior to payment with be enough to ensure their best work, which will minimise the cost to rectify the issue later if it becomes a major defect. This is particularly important for builders with complex jobs, or builders with inexperienced or overstretched supervisors. Having an expert building consultant can support builders with those awkward conversations with their trades – before it all goes badly!
Build Assure Consultants’ Kemble Cain can conduct stages inspections to ensure compliant and quality workmanship meets best practice. Calm and easy to talk to, Kemble can also serve as an independent third-party if issues or disputes arise where finding reasonable and workable solutions are required.