The Importance of Asbestos Inspections
Build Assure is qualified to conduct asbestos inspections and testing of material in question. If your home has developed a building defect in need of repair, you’re looking to purchase a home, have plans to renovate, or you’re a builder looking ensure the safety of your team and neighbours during demolition, then an Asbestos Inspection is vital in keeping everyone safe.
If your home was built prior to the 1990s, then it is likely that asbestos containing building material was used somewhere in your home. This is because asbestos was commonly used in building materials in homes including insulation, roofing, flooring and wall sheeting in homes built before the 1990s, and it was not banned in Australian until 31 December, 2003. Commercial or non-residential properties built or renovated up to 2004 may also contain asbestos. According to Asbestos Safety’s ‘Communicating asbestos facts and figures’ (Public consultation version 2022), asbestos was used in over 3,000 building and industrial products and it is estimated that 1 in 3 homes in Australia still contain some form of asbestos.*
Asbestos is a hazardous material that causes serious health problems such as asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma. If asbestos containing materials are disturbed, damaged or deteriorating the microscopic fibres can become airbourne and inhaled and ingested, which can lead to death.